Easter Tea Sandwiches
For Easter, having friends and family over is always a joy, and what better way to enchant them than with these special tea sandwiches? The best part is they don’t need any special skills, they are easy to make, and so beautiful on the table.
I recommend using a blend of cheeses like cotija and panela to obtain the fullest flavor. Cotija is robust and salty: panela is mellow and milky fresh. Together they complement each other beautifully. I got the grated Cotija at my supermarket so it was even easier to put this recipe together. I added some smoked salmon (you can use cooked shrimp too) and heart of palms for a special touch.
In my opinion every sandwich must have a veggie: cucumber is a classic, but if you find verdolaga or purslane at your market get it. I love the flavor and maybe you’ll get to introduce a new veggie to your guests.
Note: Click the ‘Products‘ tab above to learn more about the Cacique® ingredients used in this recipe. You can find these ingredients near you by clicking the ‘Find Stores‘ tab, selecting the products you are looking for, and entering your zip code.